Friday, July 9, 2010

Cow Day!!

Today is Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A!!
WE LOVE CHICK-FIL-A...anyday, but Cow Appreciation Day just makes it so much more fun!!

The girls and I have dressed up for Cow Day before and had so much fun doing it that we decided we were gonna do it again today. I am babysitting right now another little girl, so we dressed her up too.

All the girls had their cow shirts, little black tails (made out of felt), signs that said: "Eat Mor Chikin", and I put all their hair up in pig tails with little red ribbons. Emily wanted to wear the cowbell, so she got an extra red ribbon and wore the cowbell with her outfit. They were so cute and LOVED the free food!! There were tons of people there all dressed up in the cow attire too. OH YEAH, we will soooo be participating in COW DAY next year! If you have a Chick-Fil-A near you, I highly recommend participating in Cow Appreciation Day, it's lots of fun and you get free food!! :)

Have a "Cow-Tastic" Day!!