Yesterday was our first day of homeschool! I've had the lesson plans and books ready for several weeks, but yesterday was our 1st day of school! Even though the girls are just in pre-k we have school everyday, just going to go ahead and prepare Haley to start Kindergarten next year! This year I've also been blessed with the opportunity to teach two kids from our church who are in the 7th and 2nd grade, so you can see we have quite an age span here. A 7th grader, 2nd grader and 2's a challenge to keep up with everyone, BUT we had a WONDERFUL 1st day! The preschoolers did a few pages in their workbooks and the older kids got to pick some subjects they were interested in and work on them (they are still waiting on all their books to arrive before we work harder everyday). It was just an easy relaxed 1st day of school and I know that this year is going to be so awesome!
I am so blessed that God has given me a husband who loves the decision we've made to homeschool and works so hard to provide for our family so I can stay home with our children.
I am looking forward to an awesome year at home with my babies, teaching them not only "school" work, but also life skills and more and more about God! It's going to be amazing!