Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ha Ha Ha!

Don't you just love to laugh? Love it when something just tickles your funny bone so much that you just can't help but laugh out loud. Laughter is good for you. It improves your health and it takes a lot less muscles to smile than it does to frown, so come on...let out a big old of those deep down belly laughs that just makes your side hurt!!! Not a LOL typed on the screen or a ROFL (rolling on floor laughing) typed, a genuine deep down laugh. Having a hard time coming up with something to laugh about? Just repeat the following out loud...haha, hoho, hehe...say it again, faster this time....haha, hoho, hehe...keep going till just can't contain yourself and let out a big old laugh! Now, don't you feel so much better!!!

I talk about laughing today, because one it is great to remember to laugh at life! And also because I am in the process of helping my parents update their church I just updated the Heavenly Humor section, which is just some cartoons that I found online, but they gave me a great laugh yesterday and even today when I looked at them again. I just wanted to share them with you and hope they give you a laugh too!!

May you have a blessed, joyful day full of laughter and rest this Labor Day weekend!

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