Thursday, February 4, 2010

Going for the gold!!

Are you a fan of the Olympics? I wouldn't say I am a "fan," but if they are on and there is nothing better to watch I do find myself watching one or two events. Well....with the Winter Olympics coming up (and not having cable) all I see on TV is a BUNCH of commercials announcing the winter games and seeing all of these commericials made me think about the athletes. They train long hours and work really hard just to make the team, then they have to work even harder to prepare to go to competition. Could you imagine....from the moment you wake up (which would be extremely early), till pretty much the moment you went to bed all you were doing was preparing for this upcoming competition??? That's a lot of work!

Yesterday was a long day for us....we took Travis' brother to the airport, went to the library, came home and cleaned and started dinner and then had to get ready for church...and to top it all off it was cold and rainy ALL DAY!! I was so busy yesterday that I seriously considered NOT exercising. After about an hour of debating with myself why I should even exercise I thought about those Olympians. Those people who work and work and train and train so hard so they can win the competition and get the gold! I decided that I really should start thinking like an Olympian when it comes to exercising....I'm gonna have to work and work if I am going to get my gold (back down to a healthy weight). I know I can's just gonna take some work. Well, yesterday I did finally decided to go ahead and exercise...even though I didn't really feel like it and I must say I was shocked!!

You see...I play the Biggest Loser game for the Wii and every week (just like the show), the game does a weigh-in and elimination. Now I check my weight every day I get on my Wii balance board and to me it just seems like it is staying the same. I mean for the past couple days it has been about the same...I may see a 1/2 lb difference or so, but then it seems like the next day I am right back up by a 1/2 lb. or so. Anyway...I didn't think I was losing any weight and just knew that I was going to be up for elimination. My turn came to step up on the scales and after lots of numbers ticking on that screen, it showed my final weight....I had lost 7 lbs!!! I couldn't believe it!! 7 lbs!!! It was amazing! I went back and looked at my graph for the past week and I saw pound pound there...and suddenly I was down 7 lbs. Then I thought back to those Olympians...they all started somewhere and through much training, practice, hard work and patience made it to the Olympics!

So I have decided that the next time I get frustrated working out, or just don't think the numbers on the scale are changing much that I will keep the mindset of an Olympian....train, practice, work hard and have patience and very soon I will see the benefits and one day get my gold too!!! I am not going to settle for a bronze or even a silver...I am GOING FOR THE GOLD!!!

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Brandi Wilson said...

WOW! This was so encouraging to read! I'm proud of you!!!! Keep going!!!