Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rain and Cold....burrrrr!!

Okay, so my last post was about how much I really just love the sun. So I guess God is reading my blogs too, because it is rainy and really, really cold. He has such a great sense of humor. I look at it as his way of saying, so Jessica, you say you like the sun, how about the rain I send too?? Well, I must say first, "Thank you God for the rain!" We have not had any rain in so long it is such a welcome sight, but the cold...oh my goodness, God is just making Travis smile so big right now....remember from the last post...Travis LOVES the cold weather. So over the last week, we have both been extremley pleased with the weather. I've had my sun shine and he now has his cold days.

Even though I am not a fan of the cold, I do get to get in at least one last use (this season) of my leather jacket. Which is great, because I just LOVE my jacket!!! I know that this cold snap will help take care of some of the bugs that have decided to start setting up camp early and will also water our plants, grass and trees so that we can have a beautiful and green spring in a few weeks! I will praise God for the rain, and just have to stay bundled up from the cold and enjoy it while we have it, because I know the rain can't last forever.

May you stay warm and have many wonderful rainy days to keep your little piece of the world green too!!!

Have a super day!!!

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